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Warrior: Keitharo Oosterwolde

“Count your blessings and not your problems”

Icon of calendar 15/09/2022


60 and 100 meters (200 meters occasionally)
Fecha de nacimiento



Personal achievements: Being one of the best youngsters in the Netherlands. Became fifth as first year senior at the 100 meter at the nationals. Been to several international junior championship. 

Being on top of his game is the synergy between being competitive and having fun. This means pure dedication, motivation and being hungry to improve every single day. Knowing one day, it will all pay off. That is the mindset of a true warrior. That’s the mindset of Keitharo.

Who or what inspired you to become an athlete?

My team, friends and family inspire me to get better every day. Especially my coach. I love to see them proud of my achievements. It makes me determined to get better.

When did you first realize that you were talented and wanted to be an athlete? What made you choose to pursue that talent?

From an early age I wanted to do something with sports, but I didn't know exactly what. At one point I participated in a heptathlon where I broke almost all records. It was then that a friend told me that I should start athletics. When it turned out that I also had a real talent for the sport, I started to enjoy it more and more.

What sports performance are you most proud of?

There are several achievements of which I am proud. But there are two that stand out.
In 2019 I got an injury that lasted the whole season. I couldn't walk for 4 weeks and I wasn't on top of my game. Nevertheless I had the national championships and I still managed to become the national champion with a dutch record U18.
After the pandemic I became second at the senior championship as an U20 athlete. I did this with a crazy new personal best after two years. So that was pretty amazing.

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

I think that for many athletes the injuries are the biggest challenges. It's about how you deal with this. In my case, this was just to keep going.

What do you think is the key to becoming a successful athlete?

Stay hungry and motivated to improve every day. And to have fun while doing it.

What was the best advice you were ever given in your sports career?

If it’s not you, it’s gonna be somebody else. It seems hard, but it is true. There will always be someone who can replace you. Especially in athletics where the competition is though. You have to be on top of your game. Always.

Can you describe to us your current training schedule? What do you do in your training that you think is key to your success?

I train six days a week. These days consists of weight sessions, long durance training and technical runs. My personal key to succes is the competitive energy between my teammates, coach and me. We have fun and that’s what keeps me going. It’s the synergy between competition and fun.

What are your favorite exercises and best training tips?

I don't really have any favorites. But I like explosive training because being explosive is one of the most important things in my discipline.

What kind of diet do you prefer & do you always eat healthy food? How important is this to you as an athlete? Do you use supplements?

At the moment I do not have a specific diet. I take supplements and a lot of multivitamins.

What sacrifices you made did you think were the hardest to make in your career in sports? How do did you stay motivated?

For me personally it’s missing out on doing things with my friends and family. But I stay motivated knowing, one day it will all pay off.

If you could choose another sport to be great at, what would it be?

If I had to choose, it would be American Football or Soccer. I'm not sure why, but I think I'd be good at it. I already have the speed.

Do you have a favorite workout song/playlist or mantra (motivational quote)? And is that playlist public?

I don't have a favorite playlist but I do have a favorite song: Gave em hope - Meek Mill.

What are your goals for the coming year? Any other interesting future plans that we should know?

Next year I want to go to the European or World Indoor Championships and finish in the top 3 in the nationals on the 60 meters. I also have to be on the relay team next year. Finally, I want to participate in the U23 European Championships.

Where do you picture yourself in 15 years, and what have you accomplished by then? Choose your words wisely, because we’ll hold you to it.

I want to compete at all championships. From the European to the World Championships. I won't miss one. I will be doing all this with a healthy and happy family by my side.



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