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Warrior: Floris Wondergem

Icon of calendar 29/01/2022


Ski racing
Date of birth



Who or what inspired you to become an athlete, and why?
I have always loved to ski. I’ve been skiing since I was 2 years old on the holidays with my family. On one moment I saw ski racers on the Maiskogel in Kaprun. They were there for training. From that moment I told my Mom and Dad I wanted to do that to. Why? The speed, the sound of the ski pushing in the snow. I love it!
When did you first realize that you were talented and wanted to be an athlete?
That was in the year 2018, when I was 8 years old.

What made you choose to pursue that talent?
I was selected to join “Snowsports Academy Racing” (SAR) for training. Soon I discovered that it gave me so much joy and happiness. The trainers were also very enthusiastic about my skills and that is still my motivation to Ski as hard as I can.

What sports performance are you most proud of
, and why?
I’m very proud of my 1th place on the first KidsCup race and  3th place Dutch indoor championships (NJK indoor) in November 2021. But I can also be very proud on a good training session, when I make sharp bends and the speed is high.

I get my adrenaline from speed, so when I make sharp bends and the speed is high, that gives me a kick. And when that achievement is rewarded with a price, that’s even beyond.

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
With slalom racing you always have to ski 2 runs. If I've skied a first run and I’m not happy with my first run, it's quite a challenge for me to focus again on the second run and ski as hard as possible. The pressure is high and my disappointment is great. Then I really have to pick myself up by letting go of the first run and focusing on the 2nd run. A small mistake or missing a gate can be fatal for the finally result.
Which sports person is a true warrior (hero) to you, and why?
I’m a big fan of Maarten Meiners. He is a great Dutch Skier and is joining the Olympic Games in Beijing.

He is the best Dutch ski racer and he is such an example for me. I’ve met him personally in December while we were training on the same mountain in Zell am See. It was great to meet him, he is such a normal and friendly guy and a real profession!
What do you think is the key to becoming a successful athlete?
Focus, a lot of training and dedication. But the most important thing is to love what you’re doing, otherwise you won’t achieve success. 

What was the best advice you were ever given in your sports career, and why?
“Don’t take it so seriously, just enjoy what you are doing”. Rene Rijsdijk, owner and one of the trainers of Snowsports Academy Racing said that to me. He is totally right, but that’s also difficult for me sometimes.

Although these are very wise words, it is hard because I want to be the best in ski-racing. When I’m not satisfied about my run, that can really bother me. But these words are helping me to focus and concentrate on the next run.

Can you describe to us your current training schedule?
Every Saturday I’m training in Snowworld Landgraaf for 3 hours. After that I have a fitness training, that is always outside (hiking, running or cycling).
I also train twice a week in sports center MyLife in Wageningen to improve my strength and condition.
Every month I’m in Austria for at least one week for training and ski races.

What do you do in your training that you think is key to your success?
Focus on my techniques and go as fast as I can be. But also take a pause at the right moment, eat and drink something, give my body the chance to reset and then I’m ready for the next round.

What are your favorite exercises and best training tips, and why?
Sprints and strength exercises are the best thing to make sure my body is getting stronger. It’s good for my condition and also my leg muscles. 

What kind of diet do you prefer & do you always eat healthy food?
I’m not on a diet, because I’m still very young (11 years old). But I use Nutrition water from Victus, it helps to recover my body.
Do you use supplements? And why?
Only the Nutrition water from Victus. Because it helps me to stay fit.
What sacrifices you made did you think were the hardest to make in your career in sports? 
Spending less time with family and friends. When I get an invitation for a birthday party of one of my friends on the Saturday, I can never join them because its my training day in Landgraaf. That’s a sad thing, because I would love to join the birthday parties of my friends. Luckily most of my friends take this into account and organize their birthday party at a different time of the week.

How do did you stay motivated?
I want to be the best in ski racing, that is my goal.

If you could choose another sport to be great at, what would it be, and why?
That would be car-racing and drive the Formula 1. The speed is incredible! I’m also a big fan of Max Verstappen.

Do you have a favorite workout song/playlist or mantra (motivational quote)?
I have a playlist on Spotify, which I’m using when I’m in the gym. It’s not a public playlist. Several songs from Marshmello, Lil Nas X, Bruno Mars and Avicii.
What are your goals for the coming year?
Next week I’m going to Austria for ski practice and several ski races. My goal is to win a price on the Kidscup. That consist of many ski races the coming months.
Any other interesting future plans that we should know?
if I grow up I want to ski in the world championships and also the Olympics.

Where do you picture yourself in 15 years, and what have you accomplished by then?
I want to be in the top 30 of the world and the best Dutch Skier.



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The Intro box contains:

2 x 01 Before
3 x 02 During: Drink mix
3 x 02 During: Gel
3 x 03 After

Intro Box €24