For the ones who keep showing up.
Your personalised Fuel Guide is here
Warrior: Karel Sabbe
Maximising Your Fuel & Hydration Strategy for the Berlin Marathon 2024
Optimising Performance in Heat
Warrior: Timothy Broadenax
A complete marathon fuel & hydration guide
02 During: Gel - Explained and compared
What are carbohydrates and how do they work?
An IRONMAN Fuel & Hydration Guide
Warrior: Piotr Havik
Warrior: Paul Meijer
How Do BCAAs Enhance Athletic Performance and Reduce Fatigue?
Warrior: Dylan Vos
Six challenges athletes face and how to overcome them.
Warrior: Bas Diederen
Basic Exercise Physiology: Gastrointestinal (GI) tract
Science. Water and electrolytes: before, during and after excersise
Warrior: Keitharo Oosterwolde
Warrior: Job Geerds
Warrior: Ella Grapperhaus
Warrior: Hung Nguyen
Warrior: Mohamed Attaibi
Movement & mobility: hang
Movement & mobility: play
Movement & mobility: breath
Warrior: Bart Weling
Warrior: Levi Vloet
Warrior: Kas Haverkort
Partner: Regreener
Nike and Victus teamed up at JDI Day
The BEAT x Victus podcast
Warrior: Wilco Dekker
Warrior: Floris Wondergem
03 After - Protein: value for athletes
01 Before - Sodium chloride: what is it and how does it work in the body?
03 After - Protein: why you shouldn't take them during exercise
03 After - Protein: post-workout timing & requirements
01 Before - Vitamin D: what is it and how does it work in the body?
02 During - Drink mix, bar or gel: which is the best during training?
03 After - The relevance of amino acids
Why L-Citruline-DL-Malate 2:1 in 01 Before?
02 During vs Maurten, SIS, Tailwind & Isostar
02 During - Do all athletes benefit from an intra-activity product?
03 After - Co-interaction between protein and carbohydrates.
01 Before - Why caffeine in Energy Water?
02 During - Why extra vitamins and minerals are not necessary intra-activity
03 After - Collagen on muscle protein synthesis
03 After - Effects of collagen supplementation on muscle strength and more
Why BCAAs in 01 Before?
01 Before - Caffeine: evidence, dose & side-effects
02 During - Carbohydrates during exercise: everything you need to know
03 After - An introduction to collagen
01 Before - BCAA and their effect on your sports performance
02 During - Water & electrolytes during exercise: everything you need to know
01 Before - What is l-phenylalanine?
03 After - Collagen peptides and muscle function
01 Before - the effects of L-Citrulline on your sports performance